Monday, April 12, 2010

Maybe It’s Time for A Second American Revolution

I First wrote this two years ago, before the first of the Tea Parties began. I was laughed at on Conan O'Brian's site, this post was deleted on, and most of the political sites I posted on just said I was crazy.

By Posted September 22, 2008 9:45:42 AM
How many of you have looked around the world today and wondered why we put up with so much? Why do we allow the government to take our money and use it for frivolous things? Why do we allow them to take away our freedoms and make us into slaves to the state? Why do we so willingly sacrifice what this country was founded on to satiate some Fat Politician in D.C.?
Today in America we have No Justice, no freedom, no privacy. We can not punish our children for disobedience for fear of being told we are abusing our children. We are not allowed to punish our Animals for fear that some animal activist is going to scream Animal Abuse! You are almost afraid to walk out of you house in just shorts for fear someone will scream indecent exposure or rape in some states. You can’t even hug a friend for fear that someone will take offense. One cannot even read their e-mail without the possiblility that Big Brother is Watching.
Today in America you can no longer live without fearing what you neighbors might see or say. You can no longer know if the person living beside you is a safe person to know. Everyone is suspect. What they might do to you?
If a person looks at the past when the First American Revolution took place, the laws that had been passed by Parliament, such as the Townshend Act and The Stamp Act, were what first spurred some of Americas Greatest Hero’s. Ben Franklin, Sam Adams, James Otis and Patrick Henry all spoke out against the excesses of Government. One major reason people do not speak out is Fear. They are afraid the Government is going to quash what they say. That it will arrest them for Treasonous actions. They fear the punishment. Where there is No Justice, there is No Courage.

Americans are Cowards. They are scared to get up off their butts and take a stand. They are afraid of the consequences. They want everyone else to do it. Americans have been cowed and buffaloed into forgetting one of the first principles in our Constitution. That the Government is For the People By the People. We are the ones who put them in power. We are the ones who can remove them.

Maybe we need a Boston Tea Party type act. Instead of throwing all the Tea off the ships maybe we should get rid of one of the other overly taxed commodities. Corn, Tobacco, or even Gasoline, throw them overboard so to speak. Stop Shipping them, stop buying them, or even get rid of them permanently. That might wake them up. Perhaps we need to all march on Washington and remove the corrupt politician from their seats forcibly if need be.

Too many Americans won’t though, they are too afraid or complacent in their current situations. They are waiting for someone else to solve it for them. They just want everyone else to take it away. They won’t do what is needed. A few hundred thousand descending on D.C. just to stand and block the entire city from operating, then when they arrest allow them to. Every person. The entire city would be bankrupt within a day, in three weeks the country would be bankrupt, but all would have to stand firm and demand speedy trials. Not just sit and wait but fight for them.

Americans need to wake up. Look around you. It is not going to change, it is not going to get better by electing one of the Fools that are currently there. The only way it is going to change is if we all rise up and fight for our freedoms, fight for our country in whatever way possible. Take it back from the Idiots and asinine fools we have given it to.

No one can change this country, but us all. No One man can change any thing, but 10000 can start a movement. No One person can alter what we see around us. No One person can do it all. But 10000 speaking out can change the world. Yes, one person can lead them all, but the others are needed. Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Hancock, and all our Founding Fathers needed each other.

Open your eyes people. See the fall of our country around you. See the desecration of our freedoms, see the invasion of foreign armies, see the destruction of the moral fiber and backbone of America. We are lost, our country is dying and we are letting it happen. It is not too late yet. We can still change things. America is no longer the Land of the Free the Home of the Brave. We are now become the Land of the slave and Home of the Coward.

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